Direct access
Voyage du livre : une industrie créative enracinée
May I borrow documents from the libary?
No, documents must be consulted on the spot. Apart from collections of periodicals, theses, rare books, manuscripts and lithographs which are available under regulated consultations while the rest of library resources are freely accessible. However, reproduction of documents in black and white is possible, provided the relevant regulations are strictly adhered to.
(See xeroxing).
I offered a book to the library but I couldn't find it on the shelves!
Firstly, make sure that the book you are looking for has not been withheld for computer processing by consulting the on-line catalog. A document registered under a classification number (shelf mark) has to have been made available to the public. It is then either being used by a reader or placed incorrectly. The item that has been registered but which is without a shelf mark is being processed by the Foundation's library departments.
What about donations?
Private or corporate entities sometimes donate to the Foundation collections, private libraries, batches of documents or copies of published books.
– Donors receive a letter of thanks and their names are quoted on the Foundation's Website if the donation is important.
– The Foundation's library accepts only documents complying with its acquisition policy (they must concern the Maghreb, the Arab world, Islam and theoretical materials regarding social and human sciences; they also must serve scientific research).
In the framework of relations regarding exchange with different libraries and research centers around the world, the Foundation offers its various publications, including Études maghrébines,as well as a certain number of Moroccan publications. The documents proposed are entered onto lists that are permanently updated.
Through exchange, the Foundation also seeks to complete its collections of books and journals, which makes it possible to acquire from 800 to 1000 volumes per year.
Supply of Documents
If you are an author and you publish your works by your own means or through an institution that does not appeal to commercial channels of distribution, and you deem that your publications would be of interest to us, then please send us either your catalogs or a list of your publications, mentioning the date of publication, the format of the document, the number of pages and the price.
It is highly recommended that the information be sent accompanied with a summary or with keywords giving an idea of the document's content.
Please don't forget to clearly indicate your address and, possibly, your fax and/or your e-mail in addition to the mode of payment desired.
Does the Foundation sell its publications?
Yes, the Foundation sells publications at cost price. The selling price per unit (P.U) is indicated in the abstracts of the Foundation's publications. These publications can be purchased at the Reception Office or by placing an order to the Administrative Department.
Receipts are given for direct purchases which are to be presented in the case of a possible checking at the library exit. Orders must be issued by filling out the form provided for this purpose.
The Foundation issues Pro forma invoices upon request.